Unit 6: Particles with Internal Structure

Instructional Goals

Describe the evidence that supports the idea that the simple particles have a property we call charge.

Describe the evidence that led Thomson to suggest that the mobile charge in atoms is negative.

Use the Thomson model of the atom to account for the fact that neutral atoms can become either positively or negatively charged by the loss or gain of electrons.

Describe the Rutherford gold foil experiment, what happened during the experiment, and how this changed the model of the atom. 

List the properties that distinguish metals from non-metals.

Describe the evidence that distinguishes ionic from molecular or atomic solids.

Given the formula of an ionic or molecular substance, state its name.

Given the name of an ionic or molecular substance, write its formula.

From the name or formula of a substance, determine whether that substance is ionic or molecular.

Unit 6 Documents

Thomson Model Notes WS

Sticky Tape Model Notes WS

Unit 6 WS 1: Periodic Table Patterns

Ion Formula Practice

Crystal Structures - Mercury

Unit 6 WS 2: Particle Structure

Molecular and Ionic Compounds Notes

Unit 6 WS 3: Ionic Compounds

List of Common Ions #1

List of Common Ions #2

Unit 6 WS 4:Molecular Compounds

Unit 6 WS 5: Representing Ions and Formula Units

Unit 6 WS 6: More Practice with Names and Formulas

Unit 6 Review

Unit 6 Tutorials and Weblinks

A Look Inside the Atom (Thompson experiments)

What Happens When Stuff Dissolves?

Ionic Bonding Introduction

Ionic Bonding Part 2

Ionic Bonding Part 3

Naming Ionic Compounds with Transition Metals

Naming Covalent Molecular Compounds