Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency 

  • Machines make work easier
    • It multiplies the amount of force you exert,
    • It multiplies the distance over which you exert your force,
    • It changes the direction in which you exert your force.
  • A machines mechanical advantage is the number of times a force exerted on a machine in multiplied by the machine.
    • Input Force is the amount of force you exert on the machine.
    • Output Force (resistance force) is the amount of force exerted by the machine.
    • Mechanical Advantage = Output Force / Input Force   (MA=OF/IF
  • The efficiency of a machine compares the output work to the input work.
    • Efficiency of a machine is expressed as a percent.
    • The higher the percent, the more efficient the machine.
    • NO machine is 100% efficient due to friction.
  • The mechanical advantage that a machine provides in a real situation is called the actual mechanical advantage (AMA).
    • AMA can only be gotten by measuring true input and output.
    • The mechanical advantage of a machine without friction is called the ideal mechanical advantage (IMA) of the machine.