Ideas realized from class demonstrations and mini-labs.

Volume is measured in cubic units. (cubic cm, cubic m, cm3, mm3, etc)

Volume is the amount of space the object takes up.

A cube has width, base, and height (V = w*b*h)

A cylinder’s volume is calculated (V=πr2h)

A sphere’s volume is calculated V=4/3 πr3)

The object submerged in a fluid will displace an amount of fluid that is equal to the volume of the object.

Displace: to move out of the way and put something else in its place.

All objects have the property of density.

Density is the relationship between mass and volume.         

 d=m/v    v=m/d     m=dv

1cm3 = 1 cc = 1 mL   (1cubic centimeter = 1 milliliter)


Ideas realized from PhET Density Lab.

The density of an element is unique.

By computing the density of a sample, you can determine what it is.

The density of water is 1.0 Kg/L.

 An object with a density less than the fluid in which it rests will FLOAT.

Example : An object with a density less than 1.0 Kg/L will FLOAT in water.

 An object with a density greater than the fluid in which it rests will SINK

Example: An object with a density greater than 1.0 Kg/L will SINK in water.

 An object with a density that is equal to the fluid in which it rests will HOVER.

Example: An object with a density that is equal to 1.0 Kg/L will HOVER in water. 

 Altering volume will alter density. 

Example: Large naval ships are made from metal, that if it were in a large lump, would sink. 

Increasing the volume without increasing mass causes a decrease in density.